About Us

Interchem, is a B2B service company, engaged into facilitating the commercialization of phytosanitary products, linking those main manufacturers of active and formulated ingredients in China and India, with the most renowned formulators and distributors in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.

Interchem provides access to a wide range of registrations for herbicides, insecticides and fungicides, both in technical and formulated grade, supporting the purchase and sale operations of its clients in each of the markets in which it operates.

The high quality levels of its products, added to its commercial competitiveness, financial capacity, reliable deliveries, permanent logistical support and solid post-sale assistance, make Interchem成为阿根廷,巴拉圭和乌拉圭主要农药进口公司最理想的合作伙伴。

Backed by years of cooperation and communication with buyers, Interchem has a deep knowledge of their production, business and financial capacities, being able to meticulously and strictly select buyers and complete its intermediary operations with high predictability and excellent compliance. These conditions are what allow Interchem to represent, often exclusively, the main suppliers of phytosanitary products from China and India.


Interchem values and the members that compose it:

Commitment to the responsibilities assumed.

Detailed, agile and permanent management, especially when challenges or difficulties arise.