Interchem, is a B2B service company, engaged into facilitating the commercialization of phytosanitary products, linking those main manufacturers of active and formulated ingredients in China and India, with the most renowned formulators and distributors in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.
Interchem, is a B2B service company, engaged into facilitating the commercialization of phytosanitary products, linking those main manufacturers of active and formulated ingredients in China and India, with the most renowned formulators and distributors in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.
Interchem, is a B2B service company, engaged into facilitating the commercialization of phytosanitary products, linking those main manufacturers of active and formulated ingredients in China and India, with the most renowned formulators and distributors in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.
Interchem, is a B2B service company, engaged into facilitating the commercialization of phytosanitary products, linking those main manufacturers of active and formulated ingredients in China and India, with the most renowned formulators and distributors in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.
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Interchem provides access to a wide range of registrations for herbicides, insecticides and fungicides, both in technical and formulated grade, supporting the purchase and sale operations of its clients in each of the markets in which it operates.
Interchem offers a series of services specially designed to meet the particular needs of its Customers:
Active Ingredient and Formulator suppliers in China and India:
Market Analysis.
Product Marketing.
Intermediation for marketing, logistic support and post-sale care.
Support and development of records based on state-of-the-art technology.
Formulators and Distributors in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay: